The Collection: Dancing Blooms, Flying Fish, Spring Lights Converge Design Concept: The peony in this rich treasure vase symbolizes fortune, abundance, and grandeur with a voluminous bloom, vibrant colors, and rich fragrance. The peony flower represents the magnificence of the Sui Tang Dynasty; it shares a history with the Chinese people that spans thousands of years. Deemed China’s national flower, it also goes by the fitting sobriquet “king of all flowers.” LIULI glass artists achieved a representation with this treasure vase that is like no other. Capturing the moment of transformation where goldfish’s tails bloom into peonies, they sculpted a piece that is both traditional and avant-garde. 設計概念說明: 這款富貴花瓶中的牡丹象徵著財富、富足和宏偉,花朵豐滿,色彩鮮豔,香氣濃郁。牡丹花代表了隋唐時期的輝煌;它與中國人民有著幾千年的歷史。它被認為是中國的國花,也被稱為 "百花之王"。劉力的玻璃藝術家們通過這個寶瓶實現了一種前所未有的表現。他們捕捉到了金魚的尾巴綻放成牡丹的轉變時刻,雕刻了一件既傳統又前衛的作品。 |