The Collection: The Nine Ding of Profound Virtue Design Concept In this serene and surreal ding piece from the “Nine Ding of Profound Virtue” series, feelings of sincerity and moral integrity are intertwined with warmth and tenderness. As a result, the artwork becomes both outwardly expressive and inwardly introspective. The three legs of the tripod are adorned with water and dragon motifs, alluding to the ancient belief that the appearance of a dragon is often accompanied by rain and clouds. Symbolically, in this piece, they suggest that success can be achieved by simply showing up and that working towards it with honesty and kindness is all required to strive for it. 設計概念說明: 在這幅來自 "厚德九鼎 "系列的寧靜而超現實的鼎作品中,真誠和道德操守的感覺與溫暖和柔情交織在一起。因此,該作品變得既具有外在的表現力,又具有內在的反思性。鼎的三條腿上裝飾著水和龍的圖案,暗指古代的信仰,即龍的出現往往伴隨著雨水和雲彩。從象徵意義上講,在這件作品中,它們暗示只要出現就能獲得成功,而以誠實和善良的態度為之努力,則是爭取成功的全部條件。 |