Design Concept: This exquisite design is adorned with delicate lychee branches, symbolic not only of the luscious fruit's endless sweetness but also of the profound concepts of abundant gains from modest investments and enduring longevity. The inclusion of two magpies serves as a representation of auspicious messengers, embodying the notions of prosperity and fulfillment. Titled "The Fullest Beauty," this artwork beautifully captures the essence of joy and beauty across all facets of life, conveying an everlasting sense of fulfillment. We posit that the zenith of beauty lies in achieving perfection in every aspect. Drawing from Eastern Culture, the significance of the number ten extends beyond mere numerical value, embodying notions of abundance and completeness. Hence, the artwork's Chinese name incorporates "shi (10)" to convey these rich meanings. 設計概念說明: 荔枝在傳統文化裡具有生生不息的寓意。這件作品掛滿荔枝,而荔枝及荔枝樹本身就寓意著:無盡的甜蜜、一本萬利、長壽綿延;兩隻喜鵲代表著喜事連報,都有「多」與「圓滿」的涵義。以《十全十美》命名,傳達著生活裡方方面面的美好,無盡的圓滿。這是一件自然形態的如意,將如意的造型與景物融合,取自然之趣;同時保持了傳統如意長柄的特點,立體圓雕,多角度雕刻,枝幹中部平拋光,透過琉璃澄澈一面欣賞雕刻肌理。在陳設觀賞上,擁有東方韻味與雅趣。 |