Design Concept: The artwork is crafted in the classical Ruyi shape, with four gourds symbolizing the gathering of good fortune from all directions. Aesthetically, the symmetrical design embodies a harmonious beauty that is both pleasing to the eye and meaningful. The gourd vase is adorned with overflowing peony petals, a flower known for its richness and fullness, signifying a wish for abundance and beauty. Together, these elements create a stunning piece of art that not only showcases exquisite craftsmanship but also carries a powerful message of prosperity and harmony. 設計概念說明: 作品取古典的如意造型。四個葫蘆,有四方齊聚,八面承納福祿之意,在美學上,對稱的體現,亦展一種和諧之美。設計上,葫蘆瓶口溢彩朵朵的牡丹花瓣,牡丹,素有富貴圓滿的花語,作品源源盛滿的牡丹花瓣,寓意花開圓滿,美好不虞的祝願。 |